Revision 4 September 22, 2023

  • Purpose and Scope

    AECOM takes your privacy seriously. Please read this privacy notice (“Notice”) carefully as it contains essential information on how and why AECOM and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “AECOM”或“公司”)处理您的个人资料. This Notice also explains your rights concerning your “Personal Data” and how to contact Company representatives or supervisory authorities in case you have a complaint.

    Within the context of this Notice, “Personal Data” means any information relating to an individual who can be identified, directly or indirectly, 通过引用标识符(如名称), an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of that individual.

    “个人资料”不包括综合资料, data rendered anonymous, or data that has been de-identified. Aggregate data relates to a group or category of individuals from which individual identities have been removed. Data is rendered anonymous if individual persons are no longer identifiable. De-identified data is data that has had identifiable elements removed, and cannot reasonably identify, relate to, describe, be capable of being associated with, or be linked, directly or indirectly, to a particular individual.

    To “Process” “Personal Data” means any operation or set of operations performed upon Personal Data, 无论是自动的还是其他方式. This includes the collection, recording, organization, storage, updating or modification, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, 传播或以任何其他形式提供, linking, alignment or combination, blocking, erasure, or destruction of Personal Data.

    The Company will only Process “Personal Data” according to this Notice unless otherwise required by applicable law. The Company takes steps to ensure the “Personal Data” collected is adequate, relevant, not excessive, processed for limited purposes, and stored for no longer than is reasonably necessary in furtherance of those purposes. 本公司不出售“个人资料”, nor does it share it with third parties for cross-context, behavioural advertising.

    If you do not provide the information requested, we may not be able to provide the services. If you disclose any “Personal Data” relating to other people to us or to our service providers in connection with the services, you represent that you have the authority to do so and to permit us to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

    AECOM collects “Personal Data” directly from you – in person, by telephone, text or email, websites, and apps, or from third-party sources for various business purposes as described herein.

    When the text of this Notice or any supplemental notice is available in multiple languages, 英文版本为权威版本.

  • What information we collect

    • 公司公共网站或用户调查

      When expressing interest in AECOM’s products or services, completing a survey, 或使用我们的“皇冠体育”或类似功能, you may have the option to provide contact information such as your name, job title, organization name, address, e-mail address, phone number, comments, and interests.

      • 我们将您的信息用于以下目的:

        • To manage your relationship with AECOM and better serve you when using the services by personalizing and improving your experience. We also may use such information to analyze how users use the Services and related analysis, research, reporting, and troubleshooting and as we believe is necessary or appropriate to protect, enforce, or defend legal rights, privacy, safety, or property, whether our own or that of our employees or agents or others and to comply with applicable law.

        • To provide the AECOM website and other services to you, to communicate with you about your use of our site and services, to diagnose technical problems, to respond to your inquiries, 以及其他客户服务目的.

        • 支持客户项目相关需求.

        • To tailor the content and information that we may send or display to you, to offer location customization, 以及个性化的帮助和指导, and to otherwise personalize your experiences while using the Public Website.

        • To send you marketing information, product recommendations, 以及其他非事务性通信(例如.g., marketing newsletters) about us, 包括我们的产品和服务的信息, promotions, special offers, or events as necessary or to otherwise contact you about products or information we think may interest you. You can opt out of being contacted by us for marketing or promotional purposes by following the instructions in the marketing emails we send or by using the information in the Contact Us” section. Additional restrictions on AECOM being able to send you marketing information may apply depending on the jurisdiction.

          We may receive additional information about you from other publicly and commercially available sources, as permitted by law. We may combine all the information we collect or receive about you and use or disclose it as described in this Notice.

          当您浏览AECOM的公共网站时, AECOM may collect information such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address, Web browser information, and your actions while on the site. This information will be collected, if at all, 使用常用的信息收集工具, such as cookies and web beacons. Standing alone, this information does not directly identify you personally. You can configure the types of cookies that will be active while browsing with the consent manager accessible from the site.

      • This section provides more information about some of these technologies and how they work.

          • Cookies: Cookies are small text files used to store information about users on the users’ own computer. Cookies may be used to recognize you as the same user across different visits to the website. Knowing how a user is using the Services through cookies enables us to tailor our content and Services to meet visitors’ needs more effectively. It also enables us to improve the quality of your visit by making sure that the Services are properly formatted for your computer and web browser. Some Internet browsers can be configured to warn you each time a cookie is being sent or to refuse cookies completely. 有关更多信息,请参阅浏览器帮助菜单. You can also manage cookie tracking directly through the third- party service providers that we use.




          • Wistia: Information collected by Wistia in connection with videos played on this website is covered by Wistia’s Privacy Policy, available at


          • Other local storage: Local Shared Objects (also referred to as “Flash cookies”) and HTML5 local storage are similar to cookies in that they are stored on your computer and can be used to store certain information about your activities and preferences. These objects are stored in different parts of your computer from ordinary browser cookies, however. Many Internet browsers allow you to disable HTML5 local storage or delete information contained in HTML5 local storage using browser controls.


          • Web Beacons: 网络信标可以嵌入到网页中, videos, or emails, and can allow a web server to read certain types of information from your browser, check whether you have viewed a particular web page or email message, and determine, among other things, 您查看网络信标的时间和日期, the IP address of your computer, and the URL of the web page from which the Web beacon was viewed.


          • Do Not Track Signal: Some web browsers may transmit “do-not-track” signals to the websites with which the user communicates. We do not currently take action in response to those signals. If an industry standard on responding to such signals is established and accepted, 我们可能会重新评估如何回应这些信号.


          • Children’s Information: The Company’s website and services are intended to be used by adults and corporate entities interested in AECOM. They are not intended for children, and AECOM does not knowingly collect or store “Personal Data” about children under 13.


        • Third Party Links: The AECOM website may contain links to other websites or third-party applications such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or YouTube. AECOM is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these other websites or applications, and we advise you to refer to the policy statements of these third parties to understand how they collect and use information.
    • Job Applicants/Candidates

      • Subject to applicable law, AECOM collects “Personal Data” from you in connection with your resume and the application you submit to us when applying for a job. We use your information to evaluate your skills and abilities for job opportunities, verify your information, carry out reference checks and/or background checks (where applicable), 与您沟通招聘流程, 推荐AECOM潜在的职业机会, creating and/or submitting reports as required under applicable laws/regulations, and making improvements to AECOM’s application or recruitment process.

      • 我们收集的“个人资料”可能包括:

        • Identification Data – such as full name, preferred name, business address, home address, email address, telephone number, photograph, work, 还有个人推荐信和皇冠体育方式, beneficiary and emergency contacts, and other similar contact data.

        • National identifiers and work eligibility information – national identification number, social security number, social insurance number, government identification number, country, region, and city of birth, nationality, citizenship status, visa status, residency, work permit status, and immigration information.

        • Employment history and background check information – resume, Curriculum Vitae, work history, professional background, credit history, criminal records, and other information revealed during background screenings (where allowed by law).

        • Education information – educational history, academic degrees, and qualifications, certifications, and skills.

        • 电子和语音通信数据 record of our contacts with you, including interviews, and disposition (which may include CCTV footage captured within our offices), 以及业务通信内容和数据, including IP address and session identification through all applicable communication channels, including email, text, instant message or chat, 转录和/或电话通讯, voice recordings, and video recordings.

        • Sensitive “Personal Data” – This includes information requiring special handling related to racial and ethnic origin, religious beliefs, trade union membership, and health and medical information, including disability status, where we have obtained your consent, or the collection of such data is allowed by applicable law.

        • Demographic Data* – such as gender, ethnicity, gender identity, transgender status, sexual orientation, and religion.

          * AECOM processes demographic data for a variety of reasons, 这在我们不同的司法管辖区会有所不同. Our reasons for collecting this data are set forth below. Where the processing of demographic data is not required by law, 我们将征求您的明确同意:

          • To monitor and ensure diversity and equality of treatment and opportunity; and

          • To provide work-related accommodations or adjustments; and

          • Comply with applicable legislation.

        • Other Data Examples of third-party sources include employment screening agencies, background check agencies, recruiting agencies, service providers, former employers and/or schools and educational institutions, publicly available information on websites or social media (e.g., when applying through LinkedIn, where relevant for recruitment purposes and allowed by applicable law), and others where they are legally allowed to share your “Personal Data” with us. For example, if you register to be contacted by prospective employers on another website, 本网站可能会向我们提供您的“个人资料”.

    • Contractors/Subcontractors

      • AECOM collects “Personal Data” in connection with onboarding you as a contractor or subcontractor to perform our contract with you. We collect and use your “Personal Data” to evaluate your skills and experience, verify your data, to contact you for project opportunities and general business operations, conduct legal due diligence/anti- corruption screening, denied party checks, recording of work time, business continuity and incident response communications, administration of safety and protection of AECOM employees, resources, and workplaces, physical site access and security, accounting/government tax and auditing business purposes, administer quality, safety and compliance checks and reviews to qualify third party contractors for performing work in accordance with applicable quality standards such as ISO 9001 and NQA-1; including use of individuals who are required to maintain specific qualifications or certifications, administration of safety and protection of AECOM systems for recording and monitoring network activity for the purpose of identifying, predicting, and preventing the entry of malicious activity onto or the release of information from the AECOM network and computing resources, and to manage AECOM business and project-related operations.

      • 我们收集的“个人资料”包括:

        • Identification Data – such as full name, preferred name, business address, home address, email address telephone number, username/password, date of birth, nationality, citizenship status, country of birth, photo/image, and biometric data (i.e., fingerprint scan) where applicable.

        • Emergency Contacts ——例如全名和电话号码.

        • Employment and Professional – such as job title/position, prior work or project experience, reference contacts, CV/resume, academic/professional qualifications, skills, work-related licenses, education, references, military status, work permits, training reports.

        • Government Issued Data – Social security number, federal tax identification number, national identification number, driver’s license number, passport number.

        • Financial/Insurance Data – bank name and routing and account number, insurance policy information.

        • Medical/Health – such as medical certificates, work site incident and accident reports,

        • 电子和语音通信数据 record of our contacts with you, including interviews, and disposition (which may include CCTV footage captured within our offices), 以及业务通信内容和数据, including IP address and session identification through all applicable communication channels, including email, text, instant message or chat, 转录和/或电话通讯, voice recordings, and video recordings.

        • Other Data – We may also collect “Personal Data” about you from third parties or public sources as needed to support the business relationship or to engage with you concerning projects at AECOM. For example, 在业务参与之前和期间, we may collect information from public sources and professional networking sources, such as MK Denial, your LinkedIn profile, ZoomInfo, etc. 我们也可能进行合法的背景审查, to the extent permitted by law, through a third-party vendor for information about your company information, personal credit, and/or criminal history.

        • Demographic Data* –such as gender, ethnicity, gender identity, transgender status, sexual orientation, and religion.

          • AECOM processes demographic data for a variety of reasons, 这在我们不同的司法管辖区会有所不同. 我们收集这些数据的原因包括:

            • To monitor and ensure diversity and equality of treatment and opportunity; and

            • To provide work-related accommodations or adjustments; and

            • Comply with applicable legislation.

          • Where the processing of demographic data is not required by law, we will ask for your express consent.

    • Client, Supplier, Joint Venture Staff

      • As a business partner, AECOM collects “Personal Data” from you to manage existing and prospective clients, customers, suppliers, or other third-party relationships (e.g. in relation to the initiation, conclusion, or fulfillment of a contract); Communicate about products or services we offer or intend to offer, 改进我们的产品或服务, and the review of our business relationship; perform accounting, auditing, billing, and collection activities; meet legal obligations (e.g. financial and administrative obligations); and establish, enforce or defend against legal claims.

      • 我们收集的“个人资料”包括:

        • Identification Data – such as full name, preferred name, business/mailing address, email address, and telephone number

        • 电子和语音通信数据 record of our contacts with you, including interviews, and disposition (which may include CCTV footage captured within our offices), 以及业务通信内容和数据, including IP address and session identification through all applicable communication channels, including email, text, instant message or chat, 转录和/或电话通讯, voice recordings, and video recordings.

        • Other Data– such as data on invoices, purchase orders, agreements, bids, proposals, and other related business records that may contain “Personal Data”.

        • We may also collect “Personal Data” about you from third parties or public sources as needed to support the business relationship or to engage with you concerning projects at AECOM. For example, 在业务参与之前和期间, we may collect information from public sources and professional networking sources, such as MK Denial, your LinkedIn profile, ZoomInfo, etc.

  • 更改处理阁下个人资料的目的

    • AECOM will only use your “Personal Data” for the purposes for which it was originally collected unless the Company reasonably considers that the Company needs it for another purpose compatible with the original purpose and there is a legal basis for further Processing. For example, the Company may Process the “Personal Data” you provide to us while researching job openings in reliance on AECOM’s legitimate interests in recruitment for roles, but once you apply for a specific role and are hired into that new role, the Company may need to Process your “Personal Data” to enter an employment contract with you.

    • However, if “Personal Data” covered by this Notice is to be used for a new purpose that is materially different from that for which the “Personal Data” was originally collected or subsequently authorized or is to be disclosed to a non-agent third party, AECOM will provide you with an opportunity to choose whether to have your “Personal Data” so used or disclosed. Requests to opt-out of such uses or disclosures of “Personal Data” should be sent to:

  • How Your Data is Collected

    We use different methods to collect data from and about you:

    • Direct Interactions: You give us your “Personal Data” when contacting us through web forms, candidate profiles, interviews, or in response to surveys, jobs, projects, bids, quality and compliance questionnaires, proposals, or other means. This includes information you provide when you submit your CV/resume or contact details through our website, email, and our alumni or talent networks.


    • 第三方或公开来源: Subject to applicable law, AECOM may obtain information about you from a representative of your company (if we are sub-contracting services), publicly available online records (e.g., LinkedIn, ZoomInfo), denied party screening, background check providers, criminal records check, or past or current professional references you supply to us.


    • 整合不同来源的“个人资料”: We may combine the “Personal Data” we receive from various sources with “Personal Data” we collect from you and use it as described in this Notice.
  • Legal Basis for Processing Your Data

    • If applicable law requires a lawful basis for processing, our lawful basis for collecting and using the “Personal Data” described in this Notice will depend on the type of “Personal Data” concerned and the specific context in which we collect or use it. 这取决于你所在的司法管辖区, there may be other applicable lawful bases for processing your “Personal Data” that are not listed here.

    • We normally collect or use “Personal Data” from you or others where the processing is necessary because of our contractual obligations with you or is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms (e.g., to communicate with you, to evaluate you or your company’s employment or work history, to manage our business relationship with you and manage our processes efficiently and fairly), or where applicable, where we have obtained your consent to process for a specific purpose. In certain situations, we may have a legal obligation to collect or retain “Personal Data” (e.g., to comply with applicable employment and works council laws and regulations) or need the “Personal Data” to protect your vital interests or those of another person.

    • 当我们处理有关您的敏感“个人资料”时, we will make sure that one or more of the lawful bases for processing Sensitive “Personal Data”, as referenced above, applies. For instance, these include processing which is necessary for the purpose of satisfying our obligations in relation to employment law, processing related to data about you that you have made public (e.g., if you tell us that you are ill) and processing which is necessary for the purpose of establishing, making, or defending legal claims.

    • AECOM adheres to the following guidelines to ensure that its collection of “Personal Data” is fair and lawful. Specifically, AECOM:

      • Collects only as much “Personal Data” as is required by law or needed for reasonable and legitimate business purposes.

      • 以非欺骗的方式收集“个人资料”.

      • Where appropriate, 告知个人需要哪些“个人资料”, 这在收集时是可选的.

      • Collects “Personal Data” from individuals consistent with local legal requirements.

  • Retention of Your Personal Data

    • Your “Personal Data” will be retained only for as long as required to achieve the purposes for which it was collected, in line with this Notice, and will be securely destroyed when no longer required. For example, 如果你接受了AECOM的工作, we retain certain information in your personnel file; if you are not offered or do not accept the job for which you have applied, we will keep your resume on file for future opportunities unless you opt out. However, we may delete your data after 6 months in certain countries, unless you authorize us to retain your information for longer with respect to potential future job opportunities.

    • The following criteria are what determine the period for which the Company will keep your Personal Data:

      • When it is no longer required to be retained to comply with regulatory requirements or financial obligations.

      • Until we are no longer required to do so by any law, we are subject to.

      • Until all purposes for which the data was originally gathered have become irrelevant or obsolete.

      • Until the goods and/or services we have provided are no longer in active use.

    • Job candidate “Personal Data” may be processed and retained for immigration requirements as part of the rehire process, including the sharing of that data with legal advisers and government bodies. The length of time data may be stored will be based on laws relating to these requirements.

  • Your Data Privacy Rights

    • Where permitted or required by applicable law, AECOM extends certain data privacy rights to you.

    • Note that we may be unable to provide you access to your “Personal Data” in instances where we have destroyed, erased, or anonymized the data, if we are unable to verify your identity using information we have on file for you, or if it would reveal “Personal Data” about another person. We may also refuse any request if applicable law allows or requires us to do so. 我们会通知你拒绝的理由.

    • If you choose to contact us to submit a request, you will need to provide us with:

      • 有足够的信息来确认你的身份.g., your full name, address, birth date, or other identifier)]

      • A description of what right you want to exercise and the information to which your request relates.

    • We are not obligated to make a data access or data portability disclosure if we cannot verify that the person making the request is the person about whom we collected information, or if someone authorized to act on such person’s behalf.

    • Any “Personal Data” we collect from you to verify your identity in connection with your request will be used solely for the purposes of verification. You may authorize an agent to make a request to us on your behalf and we will verify the identity of your agent or authorized legal representative by either seeking confirmation from you or documents that establish the agent’s authorization to act on your behalf.

      • The right to request access. You have the right to request AECOM for copies of your Personal Data.

      • The right to request rectification. AECOM relies on you to ensure the information you provide to AECOM about you is accurate, complete, and current. 如任何“个人资料”不准确或不完整, you may request that your “Personal Data” be corrected or completed. AECOM will correct or delete “Personal Data” as required by applicable law. You may also request to correct, amend, or delete “Personal Data” that has been processed in violation of applicable data protection law.

      • The right to request erasure. You have the right to request AECOM delete your “Personal Data” under certain conditions.

      • The right to withdraw consent. Where you have provided written consent (or positive opt-in) to the collection, processing, or transfer of Personal Data, 你可能有撤销同意的合法权利. Where we have processed your “Personal Data” with written consent (or positive opt-in), 你可以随时撤销同意. Note – withdrawing consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing the Company conducted prior to withdrawal, nor will it affect the processing of the “Personal Data” conducted in reliance on a lawful basis other than consent.

      • The right to request portability. You have the right to request AECOM transfer your “Personal Data” that we have collected from you to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

      • The right to restrict processing. You have the right to request that AECOM restrict the processing of your Personal Data, under certain conditions.

      • 选择退出电子邮件营销的权利. You can opt-out of email marketing communications at any time by selecting the email’s “Opt-out” or “Unsubscribe” link or following the instructions in each email subscription communication.

      • Results of automated decision making. You have the right to request AECOM to conduct a review of automated decision-making that impacts you.

      • The right to file a complaint. If you consider that your privacy rights have not been adequately addressed, you have the right to submit a complaint to the AECOM Privacy Office or with the supervisory authority in your country of residence.

    • You can submit a request to exercise these data privacy rights to the AECOM Privacy Office at You may also call 888.299.9602. AECOM will request specific information to help confirm identity and rights.

    • AECOM will not discriminate against individuals for exercising any of their privacy rights allowed or required by applicable data protection law or regulation.

  • Sharing and Onward Transfer


    • AECOM Staff: AECOM shares “Personal Data” among staff having a legitimate business need to know based on their respective role with the Company.
    • Subsidiaries and Affiliates: AECOM shares information among AECOM subsidiaries and affiliates for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice, 哪里符合适用的法律要求.
    • Service Providers: AECOM shares “Personal Data” to selected affiliated or trusted service providers to perform services on behalf of the organization. 这些受信任的服务提供者包括, but are not limited to Information Technology Providers, Cloud Providers, Data Hosting Services, 拒绝和限制方筛选提供者, Background Check Providers, and Data Storage Providers.


    • Clients: AECOM shares certain “Personal Data” as part of our professional services under contract to our clients, including governmental agencies, for project-related work, security clearances or as required by security protocols.
    • Other Third Parties: AECOM discloses certain “Personal Data” to other third parties:
      • 法律或法律程序要求的地方(例如.g.,向税务和社会保障当局)

      • 在AECOM认为是合法和适当的地方

      • to protect AECOM’s legal rights (e.g., to defend a litigation suit or under a government investigation or inquiry) or to protect its employees, resources, and workplaces; or

      • 在健康或安全受到威胁的紧急情况下.

    • Public Security/Law Enforcement: AECOM may be required to disclose “Personal Data” in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including meeting national security or law enforcement requirements.

    AECOM is a global company, with offices, Clients, and Suppliers located throughout the world. As a result, “Personal Data” may be transferred to other AECOM offices, data centers, and servers in Europe, Asia, South America, 或美国以达到所确定的目的. Any such transfer of “Personal Data” shall take place only under applicable law through legally valid methods, including international data transfer agreements or Standard Contractual Clauses that have been recognized by Data Protection Authorities as providing an adequate level of protection to the “Personal Data” we process globally.

    AECOM will take steps designed to comply with all applicable local laws when Processing Personal Data, including any local law conditions for and restrictions on the transfer of Personal Data.

    AECOM will ensure all transfers of “Personal Data” are subject to appropriate safeguards as defined by data protection laws and regulations.

  • Data Security

    AECOM has adopted and maintains reasonable and appropriate information security policies, processes and/or procedures to safeguard “Personal Data” from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, destruction, and other Processing. However, 没有通过互联网传输的方法, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. As such, we cannot promise, ensure, or warrant the security of any “Personal Data” that you may provide to us.

    AECOM’s information security processes provide for the classification of information and the assignment of protection requirements and information security controls based on the classification of information. The safeguards used to protect “Personal Data” is commensurate with the level of risk involved.

  • 加州居民的附加信息

    • AECOM does not sell “Personal Data” as part of its business practices. In compliance with Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.130(a)(5)(C)(i), the Company reaffirms that it has not sold your “Personal Data” in the preceding 12 months.

    • In compliance with Cal. Civ. Code §1798.130(a)(5)(C)(ii) AECOM has shared the following “Personal Data” for a business purpose in the preceding 12 months:

      • Identifiers (e.g., a real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, social security number, driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers).

      • Information that identifies, relates to, describes, 或能够与…皇冠体育在一起的, a particular individual, including, but not limited to, the individual’s name, signature, social security number, 物理特征或描述, address, telephone number, passport number, driver’s license number, or state identification number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information.

      • Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law.

      • Internet or other electronic network activity information (e.g., browsing history, search history, and information regarding an individuals interaction with an Internet Web site, application, or advertisement).

      • Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information.

      • 专业或就业相关信息.

      • Inferences drawn from any of the information identified above to create a profile about an individual reflecting the individuals preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.

    • You have the right to know:

      • The categories of “Personal Data” the Company has collected about you.

      • The categories of sources from which the “Personal Data” is collected about you.

      • AECOM’s business or commercial purpose for collecting or sharing “Personal Data” about you.

      • The categories of third parties with whom the Company shares “Personal Data” about you.

      • The categories of “Personal Data” that the Company has disclosed about you for a business purpose.

      • The specific pieces of “Personal Data” the Company have collected about you.

    • 请注意,本公司无须:


      • 保留有关您的任何“个人资料”, in the ordinary course of business, 全球领先的博彩导航网站你的信息不会被保留.

      • 重新识别或以其他方式链接任何数据, in the ordinary course of business, is not maintained in a manner that would be considered Personal Data; or

      • Provide the “Personal Data” to you more than twice in a 12-month period.

  • Exceptions

    在某些有限的或特殊的情况下, AECOM may, as permitted or required by applicable laws and regulations, 处理“个人资料”而不提供通知, access or seeking consent. Examples of such circumstances may include investigation of specific allegations of wrongdoing, violation of company policy or criminal activity; protecting employees, the public, or AECOM from harm or wrongdoing; cooperating with law enforcement agencies; auditing financial results or compliance activities; responding to court orders, subpoenas or other legally required disclosures; meeting legal or insurance requirements or defending legal claims or interests; satisfying labor laws or agreements or other legal obligations; collecting debts; protecting AECOM’s information assets, intellectual property and trade secrets; in emergency situations, 当事关个人切身利益时, such as life or health, are at stake; with respect to access requests, where the burden or expense of providing access would be disproportionate to the risks to the individual’s privacy or the privacy interests of others would be jeopardized; and in cases of business necessity.

  • Other Important Information

    • Privacy laws and guidelines are part of a constantly changing environment. AECOM reserves the right, at its discretion, to modify, add, or remove portions of this Privacy Notice or any supplemental privacy notice at any time. Any material change to this Privacy Notice will be available on the website. When the Company makes material changes, the Company will also update Section 15 – Change Log.

    • AECOM commits to cooperate with European Union data protection authorities (DPAs) and comply with the advice given by such authorities regarding human resources data transferred from the European Union in the context of the employment relationship.

    • If you are in Australia, Brazil, the European Union, the European Economic Area, Switzerland, or the United Kingdom, the data controller of your “Personal Data” will be the AECOM entity that signs a contract with you or for which you submit your CV/resume in response to a job opportunity.

    • If you consider that your rights have not been adequately addressed, you have the right to submit a complaint with the supervisory authority in your country of residence, place of work, or the country in which an alleged infringement of data protection law has occurred.

  • Contacting AECOM Privacy Office

    • Any questions regarding this Notice or general privacy-related questions or concerns related to your “Personal Data” should be addressed to the AECOM Privacy Office at:

    • For Germany inquiries, you may use the following email address:

  • Terms and Definitions


    Data Privacy

    means the legal rights and expectations of individuals to control how their “Personal

    Data” is collected and used.


    Personal Data

    指与描述有关的任何信息, 合理地能够与…皇冠体育在一起的, 或者能够合理地皇冠体育起来, directly or indirectly, 对已识别或可识别的自然人.



    means any operation or set of operations that is performed upon Personal Data.


    Sensitive Personal Data

    不同国家的定义不同吗. For example, European data protection laws treat certain categories of “Personal Data” as especially sensitive, e.g., biometric, 有关种族或民族出身的信息, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, 指定医疗或健康状况的信息, or sex life.

    In the United States, sensitive information may include, but is not limited to, Social Security numbers, bank account numbers, passport information, healthcare related information, medical insurance information, credit and debit card numbers, 驾照和州身份证信息, 13岁以下儿童的信息, biometric information, genetic data, precise geo-location, 以及全球领先的博彩导航网站种族或民族出身的信息, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation or union


  • Change Log

Rev #

Change Date

Description of Change

Location of Change



Initial release as L1-007-PL5




  • Section 6, subsection i – the inclusion of a chart that outlines specific rights for California residents.

  • Section 6, subsection i – the inclusion of the Ethics hotline as a secondary method for California residents to submit privacy rights requests.

  • Section1, updated to include applicability to job applicants and sub-consultants.

  • Section 2, inclusion of a table representing examples of “Personal Data” collected to comply with transparency requirements under GDPR, CCPA and other data protection laws.

  • Section 12 – updated definitions for “Personal Data” and Sensitive “Personal Data” to comply with CCPA.

  • Section 7 – removed reference to Privacy Shield principles as a mechanism to transfer “Personal Data” from the European Union.

  • Section 7 – inclusion of the use of European Union Standard Contract Clauses and data protection agreements as a mechanism for transfer of “Personal Data” from the European Union.

  • 删除了第8节-参考欧盟-美国隐私保护.




  • Removed references to Privacy Shield in sections 4, 6, and 9




  • Section 1 –updated entire section to clarify terms and requirements.

  • Section 2.1 – added new section 2.1 for public website data collection.

  • Section 2.2 – added new section 2.2 .收集和处理候选数据.

  • Section 2.3 – added new section 2.3 for collection and processing of contractor and subcontractor data.

  • Section 2.4 – added new section 2.4 for collection and processing of client and vendor data.

  • Section 3 – added new section 3 for change of purpose of processing data.

  • Section 5 – Updated section 5 for lawful basis of processing data.

  • Section 6 – made updates to use and retention of data.

  • Section 7 – added right of human intervention for automated decision-making results.

  • Section 8 – made updates for sharing and onward transfer of data.

  • Section 10 – added new section 10 for California residents.

  • Section 13 – updated section to reflect email contact for Germany operations.



22- Sept-2023

  • Section 1 to Section 8 – made minor updates throughout